In life, human beings find themselves in situations they care and do not care about regularly. These situations bring about different reactions in different individuals. As different as these reactions are, they could be seen as right or wrong depending on the individual; I would use myself as an example. In public transport, whenever there is an argument with the driver or conductor, I hardly say anything depending on the situation. For example, in a situation where the driver is over speeding and most of the passengers are shouting at the driver at the same time, I say nothing. I like to sit in the front seat, so, if the passengers keep shouting, sometimes I just look at the driver and in a low tone tell him to please reduce the speed (it works 70% of the time). Other times, I either ignore the situation based on my definition of what I think over speeding is or get down at the next busstop. I realized shouting can be an impediment to communication and a bit irritating to the receive...
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