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Showing posts from October, 2020

Not Caring Is Great... But...

In life, human beings find themselves in situations they care and do not care about regularly. These situations bring about different reactions in different individuals. As different as these reactions are, they could be seen as right or wrong depending on the individual; I would use myself as an example. In public transport, whenever there is an argument with the driver or conductor, I hardly say anything depending on the situation. For example, in a situation where the driver is over speeding and most of the passengers are shouting at the driver at the same time, I say nothing. I like to sit in the front seat, so, if the passengers keep shouting, sometimes I just look at the driver and in a low tone tell him to please reduce the speed (it works 70% of the time). Other times, I either ignore the situation based on my definition of what I think over speeding is or get down at the next busstop. I realized shouting can be an impediment to communication and a bit irritating to the receive...

Sometimes The PRAYER Is WRONG...

Ekaro oooo, otutu oma, good morning, hello, I hope you have been great. I am really sorry for my long absence. Please forgive me. In light of the various issues that have been happening in my country, I believe prayer is a great key to helping us solve some of these problems. As we put in the works with our peaceful protests, posts on social media, WhatsApp statuses and broadcasts; I would like to say a little prayer for our leaders, that is the People whose decisions and actions in one way or the other affect the citizens' life, health, wealth and even mental status. This is for you guys, you are the real MVPs. In Jesus name, I say a big thank you to God for keeping the Leaders alive so far, it means He has a great plan for them, the type of plan they have for the country and its citizens; and for that I am greatful. I pray for peace for my Leaders, may their lives be as peaceful as the economy they rule. May they receive the type of peace they create for their citizens. May their...