Hello everyone, how was your day? I want to wish you a fulfilled week ahead. Overtime, I have heard people give different reasons why they love or hate their partners and what has or hasn't improved for and in them since the relationship started. In most cases, I don't really say anything because I don't like talking to people about their relationships, which to me is only fully understood by them. Due to this, I end up being asked the question, "What do you want in a man?" Well, well, well, this is to inform you that I DON'T KNOW. They believe it is a lie, that, I just don't want to answer them. PLEASE NOTE: Believe what you want and stop asking annoying questions. To start with, I don't really understand most relationships these days. Most relationships are either too good to be true, too bad or a total waste of time, space, energy, life and happiness. This is really not encouraging to want to change ones status from HAPPILY SINGLE (emphasis...
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