A big shout out, and thank you to the Ds out there, who have what it takes, know how to use it; and have good character to back what they have. Different types of Ds exist, apart from the size, colour, height, age and so on; I group the Ds into three (4) groups, which are: M, R, PD, and the N group.
To the M group (aka Messi group), they are naturally gifted, and we thank them very much for that. They are Ds who use what they have very well and are natural at using it to give utmost pleasure or satisfaction. To the R group (aka Ronaldo group), who train very hard and become great at it, thank you very much. Your dedication and consistency are appreciated. To the PD group (Plain Ducks group), who are not naturally good or own as much skillset as the R group, thank you very much for using what you have to help us.
I have met different Ds in my life, some have been good, some bad, thinking about the bad ones is making me angry. To the good ones out there, thank you for being good at what you do despite the situation in the country. To the Legendary Ds, thank you for being great and serving us with what you got. Thank you for not being selfish, and sharing your skill with us. We appreciate, love, and are better because of you.To the N group (Nah group), who are not good/bad/ not properly trained/need more training/unskilled Ds out there, please learn more, or in the best interest of the populace, please quit for both our sakes. You can't use us as an experiment, go learn well, we will be waiting for your comeback. You know everyone loves a good D. So, please learn well.
Thank you once again to the great Ds out there.
P.S. D stands for Doctors.
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