Hello everyone, it is a happy day today, so, Happy New Year, Happy New Month, Happy New Week, Happy Last Day of February, Happy New Day, Happy Birthday, Happy First Breakup, Happy 100th Day Anniversary, Happy Married Life, Happy One Year Remembrance, Happy Divorce, Happy Naming Ceremony, Happy House Warming, Happy, Happy and Happy Happiness to you.
No matter what we are going through at the moment, there is always a reason to be happy. The problem is that most people need others or material things before they are happy. People sometimes forget that what they are and what they own is a description of all what another person needs in life to be truly happy. There is and will always be a bright side to every situation, it is just that people focus too long on the negative part that they fail to appreciate the positive part. “Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be” by Abraham Lincoln further buttresses the point. It also shows that the mindset of a person is a major factor to ones happiness.
To be happy is easy, all it requires is the right mindset and the willingness to be happy no matter what difficulty or challenges life places in our path. If we remember that these challenges are there to teach us a lesson needed for the next phase of our lives, then we will learn to be happy because the next phase signifies growth in a person's life. If for some reason, we believe that there is no reason to be happy, let us learn to create reasons to be happy. The reasons could be unreasonable or ridiculous to others, but as long as it makes you truly happy, ignore all the negativity.
Your reason for being happy could be as reasonable as the fact that you are alive, you are healthy, you have clothes to wear, you have food to eat, among others. Other reasons, which could be termed as ridiculous to others could include the fact that the sky is blue, the weather is nice, the sun is shining so bright as if it is blushing, the cat on the street is so cute and adorable, your dog just winked at you, you have beautiful eyes or your fingernails are really pretty. If you believe there is no reason, it is your job to look for, create and find a reason to be happy.
Tom Bodett said, “They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.” These three things are necessary and if adhered to, you will always be happy. Following the words of Tom Bodett, always remember:
1. Someone to love: YOU
3. Something to hope for: YOUR TRUE HAPPINESS.
Photo credit from: Google
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