I lost a dear friend today, and it hurts too much. When you lose someone, no matter how good or bad your relationship was with the person, there is this feeling of loss, whether you want to accept it or not. The feeling is more intense when you have to witness life gradually drain out slowly from that person. It hurts like a bitch when an energetic person filled with life, love and laughter is drained of all that goodness slowly and painfully.
It is annoying because you keep remembering how vibrant the person was, as against their present state. It is frustrating when you know there is nothing you can do about it. You feel useless when all your resources don't help the person, and you have to rely on fate and life to decide whether the person lives or dies. Life, the determinant of the person's fate, has a funny, unexpected, unwanted way of surprising us; especially when the surprise is not funny. Life is indeed unkind and unfair at times.
Hoping for your loved one to get better is a tough place to be, because, despite all the medical treatment, life has the final say on what will be. And sometimes, life doesn't have good responses or outcomes. It throws you an unexpected and painful curveball. Life is life, and there is nothing we can do about it. It gives when it wants, and takes when we least expect it.
My dear friend, you were always smiling, energetic, happy, and generally full of life. As the saying goes, it happens for a reason, but that doesn't make it hurt less. You always made me smile, no matter what mood I was in, I never saw you and frowned. You brought joy and positive vibes. So, I will remember you as that positive ray of sunshine that always made me smile. Thank you for the hearty laughter, for always making me smile, for bringing out my fun side, for making us proud, and for being Gee.
Sun re baby boy. Till we meet again. I hope when we do meet you are still smiling and full of love, light and positive vibes.
Photo Credit:
Kenny Orr on Unsplash.com
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